ensinoRemoto | GO | pinguim | X-meeting 2005 | you@bioinfo | Cromatina | gateio login | Revistas | Seminário na UFRN
Biodados Server offers the following services:
- Methods - A guide for building biological pathways (in press). A short tutorial on PESCADOR. Check out this PID on pancreatic cancer: 1450147845
- TaxOnTree: a web tool that adds taxonomic classification on top of a phylogenetic tree
- A taxonomy database with names given to all taxonomic ranks: gateio login
- A web tool for discovery of the clade of origin of all Gene Ontology terms: GO-genesis
- A web tool for finding in which human tissues a gene is expressed in a regular or superactive form: HumanExpProfiles
- A web site that tells the origin of genes for all Kegg Pathways:
- A web site that networks and combines co-expression of human genes with chromatin co-localization: Chromatin Expression Network
- Origin of pathways from the immune system: response to type I interferon (PDF); types II and III interferon (PDF); TCR (PDF); BCR (PDF)
- ARCoBAaleno: Application for rapidly coloring biological pathways by ancestrality or GO-related information
- Taxi: A database on the origin of operons.
- New protocol for Liquid Yeast Two-Hybrid Screening.
- BOWS paper and paper demo website. BOWS biodados clients
- SeedServer: a new web application to generate groups of protein homologues.
- UniRef50 Matrices for Annotating Gene Ontology Entries (U-MAGE): Web application designed to help propagation of Gene Ontology (GO) terms for UniProtKB entries.
- Annothetic: A Web application based on controlled PSI-BLAST matrices to predict function to putative proteins.
- Genesis, origin of genes.
- UniRef Enriched COG Database (UECOG), published in GMR 7(3) 2008
- Biodados Web services: useful Web services providing easier access to NCBI taxonomic data (LCAWS, GetAllChildren and TaxSimple).
- PCT - Protein Classification Tool: a tool for similarity searches in secondary databases COG, CGAP-Biocarta e CGAP-KEGG.
- K-EST : KOG Expression Sampling Tool. This service uses sampling/expression information of ESTs from 4 metazoan organisms (A. thaliana, C. elegans, D. melanogaster and H. sapiens) and its proteins from the KOG database .
- Supplementary information
for the paper "A set of amino acids found to occur more frequently in
human and fly than in plant and yeast proteome consists of
non-essential amino acids".
- Supplementary information from the work "A Picture of Gene Sampling/Expression in Model Organisms Using ESTs and KOG Proteins".
- Supplementary Information on the analysis of microrganism's EST projects. Published in Genetics and Molecular Research (pdf).
- gate io limits on the methods used to process data for the paper "Efficiency
in Annotation of the Schistosoma mansoni Transcriptome with Sequences
from Model Organisms".
- Supplementary information on the work "Tests of Automatic Annotation Using KOG proteins and ESTs from 4 Eukariotic Organisms".
- Supplementary information for the paper: "Using Secondary Database Sequences to Select cDNA Clones for Full-Length Sequencing: Schistosoma mansoni as a Model"
- Supplementary information for the paper: "Production of full-length cDNA sequences by
sequencing and analysis of ESTs from Schistosoma mansoni"
- Artigos selecionados do NCBI handbook
- Apresentações PowerPoint:
- Sequenciamento e poda de sequências
tel (0xx31) 3409-2654.